Adviser Training & Development

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

In order for advising to be impactful, advisers must intentionally center diversity, equity, inclusion in their work with students. This includes acknowledging and celebrating the diversity of identities, values, experiences, and motivations that students hold as they move through the university. This page includes a myriad of resources and exercises developed in consultation with The Courage Collective.

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Belonging & Psychological Safety

As advisers work toward inclusive student relationships, it is critical to consider what might impact a student’s sense of belonging.


Identity, Power & Privilege

Each one of us belongs to many identity groups, spanning from our race and gender to our socioeconomic status and physical ability.


Transactional to Transformational Practices

Advisers can consider the paradigm shift of “transactional” to “transformational” as they work towards inclusive relationships with students.


Additional Resources

Videos, articles, books, podcasts and more.
