Adviser Education Program (AEP)

UW Commencement Accessibility FAQ

Best Practices

  • Q: What are best practices for an accessible online event?
    • A: Several resources are available at the UW with strategies and best practices. The Office the ADA Coordinator's page on Accessible Event is very helpful. UW Accessible Technology web page Hosting Accessible Online Meetings is another great resource.

Accessibility statements

  • Q: Is there a standard accessibility statement that should be included with our event announcements, online forms, and other communications?


  • Q: We are considering using a vendor product (e.g., Zoom, MarchingOrder, GradImages, Airmeet) as part of our online commencement. How can we ensure it is accessible?
    • A: Generally speaking, "keeping it simple" is the best approach. A 3-part strategy for ensuring accessibility of vendor products is explained on the UW Accessible Technology web page Procuring Accessible IT. This strategy is designed to be executed over time. The following steps are modified to address the immediate needs of our current situation:
  1. Ask the vendor whether their product is accessible, and request specific written details.
  2. Test the product for accessibility.
  3. If accessibility problems are found, consider possible workarounds.

Captioning/sign language interpreters

  • Q: How do we arrange for live captions and/or sign language interpreters for our event?
    • A: The Disability Services Office coordinates these services. See their Deaf or Hard of Hearing Overview web page for instructions on making a request. Please note that requests must be made at least 10 working days before services are needed.
  • Q: Are automated live captions sufficient, rather than hiring a live captioning service?
    • A: No. Automated live captions are not accurate enough to serve as an accommodation for someone who depends on captions. This guidance includes Zoom.
  • Q: How do we add captions to our prerecorded videos?

Graduation websites and programs

  • Q: How do we ensure our commencement website is accessible?
  • Q: We will be distributing our conference program in PDF. Are PDFs accessible?
    • A: PDF can be a fairly accessible format, but only if the document is authored with accessibility in mind. For details, see the UW Accessible Technology web page Creating Accessible Documents.